
Carlos Mello

The avant-garde technique “Underpressure,” conceived by the artist Carlos Mello in the whirlwind of the 2021 pandemic, is a true artistic milestone. Its inception occurred while Mello was dedicated to creating a collection for his renowned furniture brand, MainGUILTY, and began with an unassuming sketch that transformed into something extraordinary.

With fearlessness and a deep understanding of production, Mello dared to bring this innovative technique to life, initially presenting it in iconic cities such as London and Dubai. In 2023, he treats us to an individual collection, composed of meticulously crafted, one-of-a-kind pieces through this unique technique.

At the core of the “Underpressure” concept is a profound meditation on the incessant pressures that modern society faces, encompassing the social, economic, and cultural spheres. Mello masterfully captures these pressures in his works, highlighting the intrinsic uniqueness of each creation. It is an invitation to reflect on how to face these pressures while maintaining our authenticity as we navigate the challenges of contemporary society. In a single word, it is a masterpiece.



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